What is diabetes? How to control diabetes | Signs of diabetes | Diabetic

Diabetes is a metabolic disease. A complete or relative deficiency of a hormone called insulin causes a metabolic disorder in which the amount of glucose in the blood increases and is later excreted in the urine. Overall, this is the condition of diabetes. Diabetes is not a contagious or contagious disease. The human body needs carbs, sugars, and fats for energy. With diabetic, sugars and other foods do not work properly in the body and various problems are seen in the body. If you live an orderly life and follow certain rules, you can lead a healthy life by keeping the disease called diabetes under complete control.

what is diabetes

Signs and symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes usually has the following signs and symptoms:

  1. Will urinate very frequently.
  2. Fatigue and weakness will be felt in the body.
  3. Thirst for water will take more and more.
  4. After a while you will get hungry.
  5. It will be much later than usual to dry any kind of wound.
  6. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.
  7. Vision may be reduced.
  8. Various skin diseases like scabies, boils, etc. can occur.

How many types of diabetes?

There are four common types of diabetes. The following is a discussion of different types of diabetes:

Type 1 Diabetes: This type of diabetes usually occurs at the age of fewer than 30 years (average 10-20 years). Insulin is not produced at all in the body of this type of diabetic patient. That is why such patients always have to take insulin to stay healthy. These patients are usually underweight.

Type 2 Diabetes: Most of the patients in this category are over 30 years of age. However, the number of such patients under the age of thirty (30) is increasing day by day. In such patients, some insulin is made in the body but it is not enough or the insulin efficiency of the patient’s body is reduced.
In some cases these two types of causes occur simultaneously. Usually such patients are not insulin-dependent. Such patients are usually obese. It is possible to control type 2 diabetes by changing your diet and exercising regularly.

Based on other specific factors. E.g.

  • If insulin production is low due to genetic or hereditary reasons.
  • If the effectiveness of insulin is reduced due to genetic or hereditary reasons.
  • Due to various types of infectious diseases.
  • Due to various diseases of the pancreas.
  • In fact, in contact with drugs and chemicals.
  • When the amount of other hormones increases.
  • When immunity is reduced.
  • Such patients are usually debilitated and malnourished and can survive for many days without insulin. The age of such patients is usually below 30 years.

Gestational Diabetes

Maternal diabetes is often diagnosed during pregnancy but is no longer present after delivery. This type of complication is called gestational diabetes. Diabetic in pregnant women can be dangerous for all pregnant women, pregnant women, or newborns. In such cases, the patient may need to be specially controlled with insulin during pregnancy to avoid danger. Again, a patient with gestational diabetes may need to be hospitalized.

Tests to diagnose diabetes

Diagnosis of diabetes is usually on an empty stomach i.e. blood test before eating, blood test, and urine test on full stomach i.e. 2 hours after eating. However, cholesterol, thyroid function, liver, and kidneys may need to be examined as per the advice of a specialist if necessary.

Things to do to control diabetes

In the case of diabetes, a certain rule of diet has to be followed. The most important thing is to control the diet. The body’s need for food and nutrition remains the same before and after diabetes. Therefore, by following the rules of diet, diabetic can be controlled and health can be maintained.

Since diabetes is a lifelong disease, it can be completely controlled if proper measures are taken. Arrangements must be made by the patient at their own risk, but the cooperation of the family members of the patient can help the patient a lot in this regard. Therefore, for the proper treatment of this disease, the patient needs to have good knowledge about diabetes, similarly, the relatives of the patient should also have an idea about this disease.
Diabetic patients must adhere to a diet, exercise, and discipline. In many cases, especially in elderly patients, the disease can be brought under control if these two are observed properly.

Insulin injections may be required in patients with type-1 diabetes. In the case of type-2 diabetic patients, the doctor may prescribe diet pills to reduce sugar.
Exercise is very important for disease control. Regular exercise keeps the body healthy as well as increases the effectiveness and secretion of insulin. Walking at least 45 minutes every day will keep the body healthy enough. If there are physical difficulties, you have to do as much physical work as possible.

what causes diabetes

Extra caution for Diabetic

  • Eating sugary and sweet foods should be eliminated completely.
  • Rice, flour, and sweet fruits should be eaten in moderation.
  • Pulses, vegetables, pickled fruits, etc. should be eaten more fibrous foods.
  • You have to make a habit of eating vegetable oil i.e. soybean, mustard oil, etc. and all kinds of fish.
  • Weight should be kept normal.
  • Meat, fat, ghee, butter, dalda, etc. Fat foods should be eaten as little as possible.
  • In case of any other disease, a diet should be taken as per the advice of the doctor.

Regular alerts for diabetic patients

Exercise regularly or do physical work.
The doctor’s advice must be followed properly.
The body must be kept clean.
You have to eat regular and balanced food.
Sugar, sweets, molasses, and honey should be completely excluded from the diet.
Smoking should be stopped.
Regular urine tests should be done and the results should be written in the urine test book
Treatment of diabetes cannot be stopped without the advice of a doctor.
If there is any physical problem, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately without delay.
Glucose gauges are now available on the market to measure blood sugar instantly. It is possible to control diabetes by measuring blood sugar by yourself. Also with the help of a special stick to measure blood sugar
Blood sugar levels can be determined instantly.

Treatment of diabetes

In the case of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, tablets, or insulin are given to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. If the amount of sugar is too low as a result of taking tablets or taking insulin, then some reactions in the body, such as feeling sick, palpitating, trembling, sweating, losing balance, fainting, abnormal behavior, excessive There may be hunger, etc. If the amount of tablets or insulin is taken is more than necessary, if the insulin and syringe are not the same sizes, if you eat too little or do not eat if you eat too late after taking insulin, these problems can occur. In the case of low blood sugar, the patient should be given 4 to 8 teaspoons of glucose or sugar in a glass of water or glucose injection and should be rushed to the hospital.

Treatment of diabetes

What is insulin

Inadequate insulin intake or insulin-dependent patients not taking insulin at all can lead to high blood sugar and catastrophe. When there is a lack of insulin in the body, blood sugar cannot be of any use to the body due to lack of insulin, then the stored fat is used for heat and energy. But in the absence of adequate insulin, the breakdown of these fats at a higher rate leads to an increase in some harmful substances and acids in the blood, resulting in an increase in a ketone body called acetone, making the patient unconscious for acidity.

This condition is called a diabetic coma. Excessive sugar in the urine, excessive or frequent thirst, frequent urination, excessive appetite, nausea, vomiting, weakness, drowsiness, shortness of breath, rapid breathing Symptoms of diabetic comae, such as nausea, vomiting, etc. If you have these symptoms, you need to drink extra saltwater to reduce dehydration, increase your insulin levels, and check for ketone bodies in your urine. If necessary, seek medical advice immediately.

Who can have diabetes?

There is no set age for developing diabetes. Anyone can get diabetes at any time at any age. However, people with diabetic in their offspring are more likely to develop diabetes if they are overweight, during pregnancy, those who do no exercise or physical activity, and those who use control for long periods of time.

How do you know if your diabetes is under control?

Blood glucose levels should be checked to see if diabetes is under control. If the blood glucose level on an empty stomach is 6.1 mmol/liter and if it is up to 8.0 mmol/liter 2 hours after eating, then diabetic is under control. On the other hand, after 2 hours of eating, if the amount of glucose in the blood is up to 10.0 ml mol/liter, then it is understood that diabetes is under control and if the amount of glucose in the blood is more than this, then it is understood that diabetes is not under control.

If diabetes is not under the control

If diabetes is not under control, heart disease, digestive tract, eye disease, paralysis, nervous system complications, bladder disease, urinary incontinence, renal dysfunction, tuberculosis, gingivitis, diarrhea, itching, boils, loss of sexual function, etc. Premature childbirth, death of the child immediately after birth, being overweight, stillbirth, autism, etc. can be a variety of problems.


Diabetes is a lifelong disease. It never heals completely. However, with awareness and proper treatment, the disease can be easily controlled. With diabetes under control, life is almost normal.

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