Asthma Symptoms and treatment | Asthmatic Diseases and Dyspnoea

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. As a result of this inflammation, the airways become swollen and extremely sensitive. Later, various symptoms of asthma (such as shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, chest tightness, etc.) are seen. These symptoms can be easily controlled at the right time and with regular treatment.

Why is asthma? And asthma symptoms in adults

The cause of asthma is not yet known and no specific cause can be blamed alone. In many cases, the disease can be due to hereditary or environmental reasons. If a close relative is infected with the disease or if someone is allergic to various products, then he may have the disease. In addition, if the airways are overly sensitive, this disease can occur.

Note: another name of Asthma is Dyspnoea and asthmatic.

There is no set age for asthma. It is not contagious or contagious. Inflammation can increase the sensitivity of the airways, resulting in frequent coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing, chest tightness, or difficulty breathing. If not taken properly and necessary treatment, this disease can lead to death in many cases.

The disease can affect people who live directly or indirectly in mites, pollen, bird feathers, fungi, yeast, and cigarette smoke. Smoking is not only a cause of shortness of breath, in many cases, it greatly increases the severity of asthmatic, reduces the effectiveness of asthma medications, and in some cases reduces the efficiency of the lungs in the long run.

asthma causes

Occasionally the disease can be due to professional reasons. Some irritants (such as respiratory tract infections, exposure to allergens, dust, air pollution, cigarette smoke, etc.) can often cause shortness of breath in a very sensitive patient.

Some medications, such as beta-blockers (used to control high blood pressure), NSAIDs (used to treat pain), and aspirin, can also cause asthma.

Stress can also increase the severity of asthma in many cases.

Some people are sensitive to foods like beef, shrimp, Ilish fish, duck eggs, spinach, eggplant, sweet pumpkin, etc., itching or runny nose when playing. However, very few people experience respiratory problems due to food allergies. Some people may also experience shortness of breath due to the smell of various perfumes, mosquito coils, or pesticides.

Diagnosis and exacerbated asthma treatment

The main symptoms of asthma are shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, tightness in the chest, and fatigue with little effort. In the first step in diagnosing asthma, the specialist doctor will make a decision based on the patient’s detailed history of the disease. These symptoms are usually felt at night or early in the morning, and the severity of the symptoms is greatly increased by the entry of some type of alginate into the airways or by small-scale changes. In some cases, before the onset of shortness of breath or cough, the nose itches, runny nose, sneezes, and red eyes. Anyone with a family history of asthmatic with the above symptoms is considered to have asthma.

The role of the patient in controlling or preventing asthma

The patient should play an important role in controlling asthma. The patient needs to know about dyspnoea, the nature of the disease, the treatment, the work of the inhaler, when, and how to use the inhaler. The most important thing is that the patient needs to know how to use the inhaler properly.

The patient should have a detailed idea of ​​what kind of treatment he needs when his asthma symptoms increase, when to use an inhaler, whether the disease is out of his control or going out, and when to seek medical advice.


Asthma is a chronic disease, so naturally, the medicine for this disease has to be used for a long time. Medications should never be stopped abruptly, whether the symptoms subside or not. Of course, asthma treatment is almost always long-term. Of course, this does not mean that an asthma patient should take lifelong medication. If an asthmatic patient regularly uses anti-asthma drugs, the disease will be completely under control in 80 percent of cases within three to five years.

The severity of the symptoms and the dosage of the drug usually decrease with time, i.e. the amount of medication has to be gradually reduced along with the reduction of the symptoms of the disease. It should never be reduced abruptly.

The role of the patient in controlling asthma is always very important.

The patient needs to know very well about certain things. For example, when should the amount of medicine be increased, what are the symptoms, the patient should contact the doctor, etc. To control asthma, the patient must have a clear idea of ​​the various medications to be administered. That is, you need to have a good idea of ​​how to use the inhaler properly, how to use the nebulizer properly, and how these devices work.

In addition to taking the right medication regularly, you need to be careful about protecting yourself from asthma stimulants. It is normal for each patient to have different stimulants or allergies. That is why the patient needs to know if there is any specific stimulant for him and to avoid it. In addition, there are some general things to always be aware of, such as ও direct and indirect smoking and dust. Do not use large carpets at home, especially in the bedroom. Do not keep any pets in the house, such as birds, dogs, cats, etc. It is better not to use any kind of pesticide spray at home, not to use a vacuum cleaner.

Having the right idea about asthma from the past can easily prevent a sudden asthmatic attack and in most cases, the patient does not need to be hospitalized.

What to do to control asthma

The Global Initiative Against Asthma (GINA) is a US-based organization that manages dyspnoea. World Asthma Day has been celebrated on the first Tuesday of May every year since 2003, with the initiative of GINA and in collaboration with the World Health Organization, to raise awareness about the disease among the general public and dyspnoea patients.

Like other countries in the world, this day is celebrated in Bangladesh with special status through processions, posters, seminars, exchange of views with asthma patients, awareness of the general public about the proper treatment of asthmatic diseases, and discussions on what to do to prevent asthmatic diseases. The role of the patient is most important in controlling dyspnoea. If a patient is a little careful, he can easily control his dyspnoea on his own. Asthma symptoms can be easily controlled if a patient has an accurate idea of ​​his or her disease, medications, stimulants and foods, various devices needed to use the medication, the use and use of inhalers, etc.

Asthmatic Attack treatment

Asthma is treated with a variety of medications, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, or anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to having a good idea about these drugs, you also need to have a good idea about how they work, the right dosage, and side effects.

No cure for asthma has yet been discovered. However, with proper treatment, the disease can be completely controlled and in most cases, the patient can live a completely healthy and normal life.


When asthmatic diseases are not properly controlled it can be fatal and even cause death. Care should be taken to control the symptoms of asthma which increases the patient’s shortness of breath. This is because the same stimulant is not responsible for the comma or increase of symptoms in all patients. With proper treatment and proper use of dyspnoea medications, it is possible to lead a completely healthy and normal life.

Answers to some important questions regarding asthma

Does asthma mean shortness of breath?

Shortness of breath means but not asthma. In addition to dyspnoea, there are many other causes of shortness of breath. For example, a person suffering from heart disease may have shortness of breath, those who have anemia may also have shortness of breath in case of kidney disease.

Can everyone be allergic to all foods?

Individuals may have asthma on a special diet. For example, beef increases the severity of dyspnoea in some people, but not everyone has the same problem. In the same way, shrimps cause problems in some cases but nothing happens in others, again it may happen that nothing happens when you eat beef or shrimps but you start having shortness of breath after eating eggplant. That is, different people may have allergies to different foods.

Whether asthma is a contagious disease?

Asthmatic is not a contagious disease. Hereditary, that is, if someone in the family has asthma, the disease can be passed on to the descendants.

Is there a risk of asthma in the baby while breastfeeding?

There is no risk of the baby getting asthma while breastfeeding the infected mother and there is no risk of dyspnoea coming in contact with the mother.

Is asthma completely curable?

Asthma is not completely good. But now there are many modern treatments for asthmatic, which means that with proper treatment, an asthma patient can live an almost healthy life.

When to use an inhaler?

Treatment starts first with an inhaler. Because within two-three minutes of giving the inhaler, there is no more shortness of breath. Although many people think that inhalers are used as the latest medicine, ie inhalers are used to treat asthma when tablets, syrups, or capsules all fail, but this is not true at all.


About 300 million people in the world suffer from asthma. Some of these people are currently being treated with conventional methods of dyspnoea, but a recent research report has revealed that some drugs are currently being studied that will make it possible to completely eradicate dyspnoea in the next five years.

According to the research report, dyspnoea-producing substances go into the tissues of the airways and activate CASR, resulting in asthmatic symptoms such as inflammation and narrowing of the airways. When calculations are applied directly to the lungs, it greatly reduces the symptoms of asthma.

According to experts, if this study is successful, it will be possible to cure many difficult lung diseases such as COPD, asthma.

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