What is Heart Disease? Must be Done this to Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease usually refers to diseases related to the heart, blood vessels, arteries and veins, brain and kidney. Hypertension and atherosclerosis are major causes of many causes of heart disease. At the same time, conformational changes in the heart and arteries are also responsible for many diseases of the heart. The cardiovascular disease usually occurs in the elderly. Men are more prone to heart disease than women. Prevention of cardiovascular disease can often be achieved by eliminating nutritious foods, regular physical labor, tobacco products.

Heart diseases can vary. For example, congenital heart disease, coronary heart disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, hypertension, coronary heart disease, core pulmonary disease (cerebral vascular dysfunction and respiratory problems), cerebrovascular disease (blood vessel dysfunction in the brain, such as- Stroke), marginal artery disease, rheumatic cardiovascular disease (heart and valve damage due to arthritis), cardiac dysrhythmias already Etc.

what is heart disease

Causes of heart disease

Many causes are responsible for heart disease. Examples include age, gender, smoking, excess alcohol intake, family history, obesity, low physical activity, food insecurity, high blood pressure, high lipid, diabetes, etc. The risk of cardiovascular disease can be greatly reduced by making some changes in lifestyle, regular walking or physical exertion, being aware of supplying food and preventing diseases such as high blood pressure, high lipid, diabetes, etc.

At what age can it be?

Cardiovascular disease can occur at all ages. However, the elderly are generally more vulnerable to the disease. Serum cholesterol levels generally increase with age. About 82 percent of people with heart disease over the age of 65 dies of heart disease. Again after the age of 55, the chances of stroke are also doubled. Again, the elasticity of the arteries deteriorates with age, resulting in coronary artery disease.

Who can be?

Men have a higher risk of developing heart disease than women who are fertile. After the breeding period, women and men are more likely to have cardiovascular disease. If a woman has diabetes, she is more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease than men with diabetes. In middle-aged men, the risk of coronary heart disease is about 5 times higher in men than in women. The cause of gender discrimination in cardiovascular disease is basically hormonal differences.

heart disease

Symptoms and symptoms of heart disease

  • Chest, back, abdomen, throat, left arm pain, neck or jaw pain, and discomfort.
  • Shortness of breath
  • The upper abdomen will feel unbearable pain.
  • The head may feel light.

Must be done to prevent cardiovascular disease

cardiovascular disease can be various, such as congenital cardiovascular disease, rheumatic cardiovascular disease, hypertensive cardiovascular disease, low blood circulation bp rate, weak cardiac muscle in cardiac muscle, etc. There are many good results if you are careful about preventing cardiovascular disease. The following are things to be done to prevent congenital cardiovascular disease and other cardiovascular diseases:

Must be done to prevent congenital heart disease

  • At least three months before pregnancy, the mother should be given MMR Injection, so that she does not have Rubella German Measles.
  • Pregnant mothers must be treated if they have hypertension or diabetes.
  • Pregnant mothers are completely prohibited from performing any type of Xray or Radiation for up to three months of pregnancy.
  • If you are smoking and drinking habits, you must quit.
  • Before taking any medicine during pregnancy, you should consult an experienced doctor.
cardiovascular disease

Other things to do to prevent heart disease

If a young boy or daughter has a fever with a sore throat, treating her with penicillin tablets for a week will greatly reduce her risk of developing heart disease in the future. Again, the prevalence of the disease can be reduced by living a healthy life. A heart attack can cause serious problems such as a heart attack due to blood circulation in the heart. To prevent this problem, some changes in diet and lifestyle should be made. As-

  • Every day at least a certain amount of walking or exercise or physical activity is required. It is extremely effective in preventing heart disease.
  • Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, curry, talk fruits. On the other hand, eat less salt and sugar.
  • Avoid high calorie-rich foods.
  • Alcohol, Jorda, tobacco, smoking, etc. should be stopped. The risk of heart disease goes up to 10 years after smoking.
  • Fast food, canned and dried foods should be reduced.
  • Extra amounts of tea, coffee and tenderness should be avoided.
  • You must abstain from smoking, alcohol or drugs of any kind.
  • Birth control pills for women and some medicines may be at risk for heart disease.
  • Body fat cannot be frozen. It is extremely risky for heart disease. Generally, the waist size of men should be less than 37 inches and women should be less than 32 inches. If The BMI is higher than 25, the higher the risk for cardiovascular disease. The kilogram of weight, divided by the height of the square meter, has to be determined by BMI.
  • For those above the age of 40, they need to eat a balanced diet. Animal fats cannot be eaten, but plant oils like soybeans, sunflower, mustard oil, etc. Have to eat marine fish. The nut is useful for heart disease. Almond herbs protein, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, flavonoids, selenium, and vitamin E are very useful for cardiovascular disease.
  • One should try to be happy in the marriage and be attentive to the ritual.
  • Emotional stress ie insomnia, tension, fear, anger, frustration, anger, retaliation, jealousy, etc. should be avoided.
  • If you have hypertension and diabetes, it should be controlled. You should have a blood pressure test at least once a week and diabetes once a month.
  • If you have problems with the blood lipid profile, you should take regular medication as advised by your doctor.
  • If there is chest pain, the echocardiogram should be done by Doppler and an angiogram on the advice of a cardiologist to confirm if there is a block in the heart.

After all

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death, especially in people with diabetes. Knowing and being aware of the symptoms of heart disease can easily protect you from cardiovascular death. Being aware of regular walking or some physical exertion, controlling anger or anger, abstaining from all kinds of drugs and food can easily be safe from cardiovascular disease.

However, if the symptoms are known, the risk of death can be greatly reduced. For example, in men, the most common symptom of heart disease is chest pain. If any of these symptoms are detected, he should immediately go to the nearest hospital and confirm the condition of the heart by doing ECG and consult the doctor. So if people’s awareness of the symptoms of the disease can be increased, it will be possible to reduce the mortality rate of people suffering from cardiovascular disease.

There are words – the disease does not come from the disease. That is not entirely true. Different types of symptoms appear before any illness becomes fatal. In many cases, we do not take those symptoms seriously. As a result, potential risks cannot be avoided. But a little awareness can help to heal before any unhappiness becomes apparent. In this regard, the hospital is working relentlessly. We are constantly advising ordinary people on the causes, symptoms, and remedies of various diseases. If you would like, you could find out what you have or may have had from our blog’s disease directory.

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