What is Jaundice? Symptoms and treatment of jaundice | jaundice causes |

Jaundice is a word known to us. We all know about jaundice. If not treated on time, it can lead to death. Animosity is not actually an illness, but a symptom of an illness. The skin and eyes of the human body look yellow in Jaundice. The main reason is to increase the number of yellow dyes called bilirubin in the body.

Normally the normal amount of bilirubin in the blood is <1.0-1.5 mg / dL. If bilirubin levels double, it can be understood from the outside. Usually, in some cases, the urine becomes very dark yellow. In the past, it was called vitiligo because the skin of the body looks pale or pale. One of the leading causes of jaundice in the entire Indian subcontinent is hepatitis caused by the virus.

Do we now know what jaundice is? It usually refers to the appearance of a yellowish color on the skin-eyes-mucus membrane of the body. Is jaundice really a disease? – One thing you should remember, antagonism, is not a disease, but jaundice is a symptom of the disease.

What kind of disease is jaundice

The skin, mucous membranes, and yellowing of the eyes are usually called jaundice. Every day, new red blood cells are replaced by at least 1% of old red blood cells in our body. The old red blood cells in our body always produce bilirubin, which is normally released from the body through the rectum.

If for some reason this bilirubin cannot be released from the body then it is jaundice for more bilirubin. Due to bilirubin, the skin, eyes, and eyes of the body become yellow. Jaundice may also cause more miscarriages.

Symptoms and causes of jaundice disease

what is jaundice

One of the main symptoms of jaundice is the yellowing of the eyes and urine. If the jaundice levels are increased or increased, the whole body may become dark yellow. Often, when the legs become white, itching, liver stiffness and other symptoms can also be seen due to bitterness, Besides, physical weakness, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, hunger, etc. are also again.

Depending on the doctors, we can usually divide jaundice into three parts. ‘Hepatocellular’, ‘abstraction’ and ‘hemolytic anemia’. If you have jaundice, you should be sure to show the doctor right away.

Prevention and prevention of jaundice

It is possible to get rid of jaundice by always having clean, sterile foods and drinks. Be careful or refrain from eating open water, fruit juices, sabbaticals, etc. on the roadways. Timely immunization of hepatitis A and B should be taken. In the case of hepatitis B, you can take one dose in the first month, one in the second, or six months in the second.

In cases of hepatitis A, one dose is usually sufficient. In both cases, booster vaccinations are given for five consecutive years. But once the jaundice is done, there is no profit on the pillow. Therefore, the vaccine should be taken before it is healthy.

Regarding the treatment of jaundice, medical experts said that since jaundice is not usually a disease, there is no medicine. Normally within seven to 20 days, bitterness recovers immediately after the amount of bilirubin in the body become normal.

They also state that “if bitterness, the patient should be fully rested. It is then necessary to be extra careful with the liver. Eat plenty of sugary and vitamin C foods. Then glucose, sugarcane juice, pineapple, etc. are very useful food for jaundice patients. ”

If we have jaundice, we usually eat paracetamol, aspirin, or sleeping pills, which we should never take. In order to prevent the inflammation of the microbes from forming in our body, we need to make sure that the patient is in the closet at least once a day.

Experts also advised that bitterness is not a disease and it should not be neglected at all. There are many misconceptions about the treatment of jaundice. Some call it animus and others feed the patient with cooked food with extra yellow, others eat the roots of different plants. These are complete misconceptions. If the bitterness is wasted time, you should consult a doctor directly.

When should the doctor show jaundice

Children and adults need to feel jaundice if their skin, eyes, etc. become yellow and contact the doctor as soon as possible and take necessary measures for the patient.

What type of examination may be required if jaundice?

  • Blood tests
  • Liver function and cholesterol test
  • Prothrombin Time
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Blood tests
  • Urine test
  • Liver biopsy

What kind of treatment is there for jaundice?

Jaundice usually depends on the type of disease, the dose, the age of the patient. Some good treatments include:

  • Animosity Hall should be followed by a doctor’s advice and all other factors.
  • Physiological jaundice in a baby may require light therapy treatment for a few days.
  • In newborn babies, if the levels of bilirubin are severe or high, a blood transfusion may be needed naturally.

Jaundice Patient Care You sit at home.

  • You need to find out the reasons for jaundice before treatment
  • Then medical treatment should be taken according to the cause
  • The jaundice patient has to drink plenty of water and eat fresh fruit.
  • The pure water of the tubewell should be used for various tasks including cooking.
  • Hand nails should always be cut and kept small.
  • The patient should be given adequate rest.
  • Food should always be covered, carefully.
  • Must use a health-friendly closet.

Some general questions about jaundice that you need to know.

People in our country have many misconceptions about jaundice. They often ask doctors various questions about bitterness. Here are some common questions we have asked for.

Q: Can a patient only see these symptoms and he has jaundice?

Answer: If the color of the skin suddenly becomes yellow or the urine yellow, these are the only symptoms that the patient naturally understands. In addition, there are many other symptoms. For example, the patient’s appetite will be reduced, nausea or vomiting will occur. The patient may often have a thin closet and may have severe abdominal pain. Some may have a slight fever again.

Q: Do the symptoms that the different types of jaundice are talking about appear the same?

Answer: Never. We usually analyze the symptoms of jaundice through tests. However, before getting tested in the lab, we get a good idea about the patient. For example, those who usually have thalassemia may also have anemia or anemia. Patients with obstructive or obstructive antipathy may develop itchy hair. Then his body may have a tumor. Then we can see that due to his blood clotting problems many blood vessels or black cells can be caused. We can easily diagnose these before testing in the laboratory.

Question: What kind of treatment is done after the diagnosis of jaundice patients?

Answer: Jaundice is not the only hospital that we have to worry about or we have to worry too much. As we usually know, jaundice is most often a viral hepatitis A or E virus, food or water-borne disease that can only get better. However, we must always be careful that if the dose of bilirubin increases, as well as some symptoms of the patient, such as high levels of appetite, nausea or vomiting, then he may go into shock. Naturally, the electrolyte may be in equilibrium. When we see some of these symptoms, we usually ask her to do a blood test and ask her to be admitted to the hospital. However, it is seen that such patients are often treated at home. Changing some habits since then. And some of the medicines we give. For example, vomiting if its drug. We treat it without realizing the symptoms. Special or thorough treatment is required if you have obstructive jaundice. If there is a tumor in his body, he must have surgery. Or for thalassemia, he must be treated differently.

Q: What are the types of complications if not treated properly?

Answer: It is very important to be aware of jaundice patients and their family members. In our rural or urban people, there is a perception that poets can cure it very well. As a result, everyone is going to the optician. As a result, they are becoming more and more vulnerable. As a result, the complexity is increasing twice. It turns out that animus can only get better in 80% of cases. So we warn patients just about anything. For example, there is no need to consume sugarcane juice if jaundice. Sugarcane juice is of no use. In fact, if you have diabetes, it is possible to increase your sugars. Therefore, we usually prohibit patients from eating sugarcane juice, flushing it, etc., and treat it according to scientific rules.

The last word

As many of us know that hepatitis is one of the major causes of jaundice, sanitation in rural areas in our country is not very advanced. Now if we drink contaminated water on a rainy day, it may be prone to jaundice. The disease is more common in the country during the monsoon. Therefore, pure water should be taken care of completely.

And this time, the other important thing is that you must be careful when eating outside water, fruits, even those that are sold in the open. It should always be eaten in a clean environment. And hepatitis B, there are preventive vaccines that you should take. And to prevent hepatitis C, screening should be done before taking the blood. If we are aware of these issues we will be able to recover from these national complications in many cases.

There are words – the disease does not come from the disease. That is not entirely true. Different types of symptoms appear before any illness becomes fatal. In many cases, we do not take those symptoms seriously. As a result, potential risks cannot be avoided. But a little awareness can help to heal before any unhappiness becomes apparent. In this regard, the hospital is working relentlessly. We are constantly advising ordinary people on the causes, symptoms, and remedies of various diseases.

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