Reproductive Health Care | Woman Reproductive System

Reproductive health care for adolescents and adolescents:

Reproductive health care: The future of any country depends on their education, life-skills, and health. These adolescents began to experience various changes in their body and mind during adolescence, and these changes take place in adolescence. According to the World Health Organization, the time between the ages of 10 and 19 is called adolescence. The time between 10 years and 19 years is called adolescence. Changes in the physical composition of girls in our country begin between the ages of 10 and 13. At this age the height of girls increases. The buttocks are wide and the breasts are inflamed.

The hair around the armpits and the genital area. The ovary is formed in the ovary, and menstruation begins every month. The menstrual cycle occurs every 28 days. Some are 28 days before or after. In the middle of the menstrual cycle of each month, one ovary is discharged from any of the two ovaries and menstruation/menstruation occurs after 14 days.


Menstruation or menstruation is a normal process. However, during the first menstrual period, girls get scared and ashamed. Therefore, when the girls enter puberty, if the mother, older sister, sister-in-law or any other woman has explained the matter in advance, then the girls can easily overcome this fear and shame. This is a sign of a girl’s ability to grow up and have a child. Menstruation usually begins at the age of 12/13 and closes at a normal rate at the age of 45/46.

Reproductive health care

Cleaning during menstruation or menstrual cycle:

During the menstrual period, clean cloths, cotton or sanitary pads are to be used so that they can be changed after 3/4 hours. If using the same cloth over and over again, it should be washed thoroughly with soap and dried in the sun/air. Appropriate sizes of linen or panty can be used for the proper use of cloth or cotton. It is important to remember that during menstruation, the blood in the uterus is made and contaminated. However, after coming out of the body it can cause infection or infection. Therefore, it is important to be clean. Every time you change the pad or cloth, the genitals should be washed with clean water.

During the menstrual period, most of the girls have a waist or stomach or headache. Rest, light snacks and hot snacks help reduce pain. But if the pain is high then the doctor must show it and take the medication to reduce it.

Nutrition during menstruation or menstrual cycle:

In our country, there are still monthly superstitions and calorie-taking on food. For example, fish should not be eaten during this time, because during this time the fish stinks in the blood. It is also said that when someone makes a pickle or touches a made, it is wasted – which is completely baseless. Instead, you should eat all nutritious foods including eggs, pulses, fish, meat, and greens. In addition, iron-folic acid (IFA) should be consumed regularly to eliminate iron deficiency, which is available free of charge at public health centers.

Right to know about reproductive health care:

Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) is a right available to adolescents or young people. Many people feel that young people do not need to know that much. Many times doctors tell teenagers or young people to bring their parents with them because they are not interested in receiving this type of care. In addition, young people are often perceived as unethical in their interest to know about these matters and such cultures keep them away from sources of information and they cannot make their own choices.

Inability to make this decision, our adolescents suffer from early childhood. Another reason for this is that when most of the menstrual cycle begins, most parents feel that their marriage is old and it is not too late. Most of the girls attending school drop out. Because in schools, especially in rural schools, there is not enough water for girls with separate toilets that will push girls towards early marriage.

Physical Maturity

However, it is well-known that it is essential to attain the mental and physical maturity of men and women in order to accept and face married life. Unmarried age is not known about the catastrophe of marital life. Pregnancy, young mothers and infants are the cause of death at an early age. The physical preparation or the full development of the uterus, which is required for pregnancy through early child marriage, brings danger through childbirth before it is completed. Due to ignorance, adolescents are being deprived of their right to live in such a meaningful way. Experts on reproductive health believe that education can eliminate this ignorance.

In fact, people face various obstacles to their reproductive rights. Unfortunately, we avoid those obstacles without being overlooked, and this is the norm and not the norm in our culture.

Reproductive System

Adolescents gain reproductive power during adolescence, so reproductive health education is needed from that time forward. It is important to note that the rights of reproductive health care – the right of everyone to live, not to risk the life of a woman due to abortion, to enjoy the free and safe life of every man and woman, and to control the reproductive power. The equality of men and women in all areas including reproductive life, protection of privacy in receiving reproductive health services, the right to free thinking, research and learning about reproduction, decision to form a planned family.

The right to seek information on reproductive health, secure safe, comfortable, dignified and regular services. If all these rights are understood, adolescents can play a vital role in health care, as many as 5 vital body parts and for the better health of the next generation.

From this point, families can play a major role in raising adolescents’ awareness of reproductive health. Parents, older brothers, or sisters can play a key role in this. They have to be treated like a friend, not a guardian. Schools can also play a role in teaching reproductive health to adolescents. At present some subjects are included in the curriculum of secondary education, which can serve as the basis for this education.

Last Word About Reproductive Health Care System

In addition, data from various studies say that the benefits of investing in the health sector of adolescents, including reproductive health, are almost immediately realized. For example, absenteeism reduces education, increases productivity in the workplace and at home. In addition, ensure overall reproductive health care for adolescents, both inside and outside the school, so that they can protect themselves against infections from non-communicable pregnancies transmitted diseases. Therefore, immediate action by the authorities concerned is needed to protect the reproductive health of our adolescents.

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